Kannada film Superstar Upendra on Tuesday announced formation of a new political party which will contest the coming assembly elections in Karnataka early next year, I want my party to be run by the people and for the people to meet their needs it is an open platform for people to bring forth their ideas for a better society upendra said at Gandhi Bhavan here. " Ever since I have entered films I've expressed my desire to step into politics I've been wanting to bring about a change in governance and to serve people said the 50 years old Upendra who was clad in khaki and accompanied by his actress wife priyanka , parents and members from kanada film industry, The Karnataka Pragnyavantha Janatha Party has been announced just two days after prime minister narendra modi visited the state expressing confidence in his bharatiya janata party winning the up coming state polls , Upendra said that his party will contest from all the 224 assembly constituencies
" There may only be few months for elections but we consider working towards making a change important he said. attacking the current political system he said several politicians only make promises but do not deliver " we know of leaders promising many things to people but not keeping their word after coming to power he said promising that his party would ensure transparency in every aspect of governance to remove corruption in the system . Asserting the party would focus on education infrastructure and agriculture he said I've been asking people to give me suggestions on the areas we need to work on many youngsters have expressed their disappointment with the current education system which we want to transform. Stressing on the need to focus on the betterment of villages in the country he said that smart villages are necessary for making smart cities upendra said that the party's mobile application and website would be launched on november 10 KPJP has been registered on the election commission of india's website but is yet to finalise its symbol.
" There may only be few months for elections but we consider working towards making a change important he said. attacking the current political system he said several politicians only make promises but do not deliver " we know of leaders promising many things to people but not keeping their word after coming to power he said promising that his party would ensure transparency in every aspect of governance to remove corruption in the system . Asserting the party would focus on education infrastructure and agriculture he said I've been asking people to give me suggestions on the areas we need to work on many youngsters have expressed their disappointment with the current education system which we want to transform. Stressing on the need to focus on the betterment of villages in the country he said that smart villages are necessary for making smart cities upendra said that the party's mobile application and website would be launched on november 10 KPJP has been registered on the election commission of india's website but is yet to finalise its symbol.