Filmmaker Sujoy Ghosh resigned as head of the jury of the Indian Panorama of the 48th International Film Festival of India (IIFI) after the final selection saw two films Sexy Durga and nude excluded. the 13 member jury led by Ghosh reportedly included both the movies in their recommended list but they did not find their way in the list passed by the ministry of information and brasdcasting . asked if he resigned as jury head ghosh said yes but i can't say anything more than that right now the jury included nishikant kamat nikhil advani apurva asrani, ruchi narain and Gyan Correa, some of whom have expressed dissent over the mministry's move. Sexy Durga , Which will release in theatres as S Durga is a Malayalam film by Sanal kumar Sasidharan, while Nude is a Marathi movie by national Award winning director Ravi Jadhav.Sasidharan's movie was earlier refused censor exemption to be screened at the Jio MAMi Mumbai Film festival as the inofrmation and Broadcasting Ministy concluded it " may affect the law and order as it hurts the religious sentiments".
he is beyond disppioned .
"I was thinking about the unfortnate things happening in our country.this governement is ruthlessly capturing all the spaces of artists in an autocratic way. It is supporting extreme groups in destroying artistic freedom and freedom of expression for stupid reasons, " he wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday. Jadhav said he was shocked to tead a news reprot about the exclusion of his film Nude , which the jury recommended as the opening film. "Don't go by the name", said the hapless director of his film.
he is beyond disppioned .
"I was thinking about the unfortnate things happening in our country.this governement is ruthlessly capturing all the spaces of artists in an autocratic way. It is supporting extreme groups in destroying artistic freedom and freedom of expression for stupid reasons, " he wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday. Jadhav said he was shocked to tead a news reprot about the exclusion of his film Nude , which the jury recommended as the opening film. "Don't go by the name", said the hapless director of his film.